Welcome to the Church
of St. John the Evangelist
of St. John the Evangelist
Welcome to the Church
of St. John the Evangelist
of St. John the Evangelist
New Bilingual Eucharistic Adoration Scheduling Website
Sign up for a weekly hour with Jesus, volunteer as a substitute adorer, or look for a substitute adorer at our new adoration website. See which hours already have multiple adorers and which hours need more adorers. You can also contact chapel admins to ask a question.
Nuevo sitio web bilingüe de programación de Adoración Eucarística
Regístrese para una hora semanal con Jesús, sea voluntario como adorador sustituto o busque un adorador sustituto en nuestro nuevo sitio web de adoración. Vea qué horas ya tienen varios adoradores y qué horas necesitan más adoradores. También puedes ponerte en contacto con los administradores de la capilla para hacer una pregunta.
St. John is a thriving parish community celebrating Masses in English and Spanish. Our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open 24/7 and provides a spiritual respite for prayer and devotion to the Lord.
The parish was founded in 1861, and church was dedicated 1869. It is one of the most beautiful churches in New Jersey. Learn more about the architectural highlights of Saint John.
“The Lord is immolated in an unbloody way in the Sacrifice of the Mass and He re-presents the sacrifice of the Cross and applies its salvific power at the moment when he becomes sacramentally present—through the words of consecration—as the spiritual food of the faithful, under the appearances of bread and wine.”
— Mysterium Fidei, Encyclical of Pope Paul VI

Our Most Powerful Weapon.
Are you praying the Rosary daily? It is our most powerful weapon against the evil one. There is always a time and a place to pray the rosary:
- While stuck in traffic
- While walking the dog
- While jogging
- On an airplane
- In the doctor’s office …
Know Your Faith!
To know your faith is to love your faith. Check out Father George’s Bookshelf and challenge your Catholic intellect.
St. John Church | 94 Ridge Street | Orange, NJ 07050 | stjohnora@comcast.net | 973.674.0110